Esme and Roy (theme, underscore and songs, Sesame Street/Nelvana)
​Dino Dana- The Movie (add. underscore , music editor, Sinking Ship Ent.)
Thomas the Tank and Friends ( songs, Mattel)
Dino Dana (underscore, Sinking Ship Ent.)
Odd Squad ( songs, PBSkids/TVO)
Annedroids s1-5 (underscore and songs, Amazon)
Hailey and the Hero Hearts (theme, Epic Story Media)
Pinkie Cooper (songs, Nelvana)
Trucktown (theme vocals, Nelvana)
Now You Know (theme and vocals, Little Engine Moving Pictures/Sinking Ship)
BeyRaiderz (credits, Nelvana)
Dino Dan, Treks Adventures ( underscore, Sinking Ship Ent)
Slugterra ( theme, Disney)
Beywheelz ( credits, Nelvana)
Are we there yet? (underscore, Sinking Ship Ent)
Rated A for Awesome ( theme, Disney/Nerdcorps)
Pound Puppies (theme, 9Story)
The Adventures of Chuck and Friends I and II (underscore, songs and end theme, Nelvana)
Magi Nation (theme and underscore, Cookie Jar,)
Pirates Adventures in Art(28 featured songs, Halifax Film)
Playing House (theme and bumpers, W network)
Hot Wheels Battle Force Five (theme, Nerd Corps)
Guess with Jess (theme, songs, and underscore, BBC , AE- Nelvana)
Magi Nation (theme and underscore, Warner Bros)
The Future is Wild ( theme, Discovery Kids U.S. Nelvana)
Lunar Jim I and II (theme and underscore, Alliance Atlantis)
My Dad the Rock Star (underscore, Nelvana)
Henry’s World, I & II (theme , Alliance Atlantis)
Beyblade (featured music, Nelvana)
Medabots (featured music, Nelvana)
Moville Mysteries (theme, Nelvana)
Friday Night Football on TSN (Theme song and underscore)
The “Junos” music awards on MTV
The Hit List (theme and underscore)
Comedy Stampede (theme and underscore, The Comedy Network special)
Warriors of the Dark (theme and underscore, Discovery miniseries)
Mind, Body and Spirit (theme and underscore, The Women’s Network)
Yuk Yuk’s 25th Anniversary Special (The Comedy Network special)
My Messy Bedroom (underscore, The Women’s Network)
Network I.D.’s/Branding
The Discovery Channel U.S. – complete network branding
CBC Newsworld – complete network branding
CTV - station i.d.’s
TSN - Complete network branding
Much Music - Station i.d.’s
The Comedy Network- Complete network branding
The Women's Television Network- station i.d.’s
The Globe and Mail's Report on Business Television- complete network branding
Fashion Television- Network branding
CH TV- station i.d.’s
ON TV- complete network branding
Dino Dana the Movie ( music editing /, Sinking Ship)
Defectors (feature, Elixir Pictures, 1998)
Too Much Sex (feature, Dentata Pictures 2000, winner: Malibu Film Festival 2001)
Hold Up (short, MP Productions, 2000)
Drop Off (short, 2002)